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Wireguard Server on IBM Cloud VPC

The repository will spin up a new VPC on IBM Cloud and configure a Wireguard VPN server as well as additional compute nodes spread across the VPC region. This will allow us to connect to each of the compute instances via our Wireguard server as well as hit the VPC Cloud Service endpoints.

Step 1: Install Wireguard Tools

If you are on macOS you can use brew to install the Wireguard tools used to generate our client keys.

brew install wireguard-tools

For most linux distributions you can install via the OS package manager:

[yum/apt-get] install wireguard-tools

Step 2: Generate Wireguard Client Keys and Preshared Key

$ wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey | tee publickey
$ wg genpsk | tee presharedkey

Step 3: Clone/Fork the repository

git clone
cd ibmcloud-vpc-wireguard

Step 4: Update Credentials File

The credentials.tfvars will hold all of the sensetive variables that get passed to our installer script:

Copy example file

cp credentials-example credentials.tfvars

The .gitignore file has been configured to ignore any .tfvars files to prevent you from accidently pushing your Wireguard secrets to this repository.

Update credentials.tfvars file

remote_ssh_ip           = "Your Local IP"
client_private_key      = "Client Private Key generated in Step 2"
client_public_key       = "Client Public Key generated in Step 2"
client_preshared_key    = "Client Preshared Key generated in Step 2"
resource_group          = "Resource Group where you will deploy VPC and resources"
region                  = "The IBM Cloud region where you will deploy the VPC and resources"
ssh_key                 = "SSH key to add to compute instances"

Step 5: Initialize and Validate Terraform

$ terraform init
$ terraform validate 

If validation passes you can now proceed to generating the Terraform plan

Step 6: Generate Terraform Plan

$ terraform plan -var-file="./credentials.tfvars" -out "default.tfplan"

If the plan generates successfully you can now run apply to deploy the resources.

Step 7: Deploy resources

$ terraform apply "default.tfplan"

After a successful deployment Terraform will generate the local Wireguard configuration needed to connect to our Wireguard instance. The file will saved as ${vpc_name}-wireguard.conf. You will need to update it with the servers Public Key and Preshared Key. Once that is complete you can launch the macOS Wireguard app and import the tunnel. Click Activate to connect to your Wireguard VPC VPN server:

Active Wireguard Tunnel