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Access Group Examples

The examples in this document use the IAM Access Groups Python SDK.

Create New Access Group

The following example will create a new Access Group named python-test-access-group:

import os
import json
from ibm_platform_services import IamAccessGroupsV2
from ibm_cloud_sdk_core.authenticators import IAMAuthenticator
from ibm_cloud_sdk_core import ApiException

## Pull Account ID from Environment variable
account_id = os.environ.get('ACCOUNT_ID')

## Construct IAM Authentication using IBMCLOUD_API_KEY Environment variable
authenticator = IAMAuthenticator(os.environ.get('IBMCLOUD_API_KEY'))
accessGroupService = IamAccessGroupsV2(authenticator=authenticator)

def create_access_group(accessGroupService):
    print("Creating new access group:")
    acessGroup = accessGroupService.create_access_group(
        description='Example Access Group created using the Python SDK'

    newAccessGroup = acessGroup
    print(json.dumps(newAccessGroup, indent=2))

except ApiException as ae:
  print("Method failed")
  print(" - status code: " + str(ae.code))
  print(" - error message: " + ae.message)
  if ("reason" in ae.http_response.json()):
    print(" - reason: " + ae.http_response.json()["reason"])

Example Output

Creating new access group:
  "id": "AccessGroupId-xxxxxxx-2d2f-4e30-xxxxxxx-bca01772f49a",
  "name": "cool-project-access-group",
  "description": "Example Access Group created using the Python SDK for our cool new project",
  "account_id": "xxxxxxx",
  "created_at": "2022-04-25T21:07:07Z",
  "created_by_id": "IBMid-xxxxxxx",
  "last_modified_at": "2022-04-25T21:07:07Z",
  "last_modified_by_id": "IBMid-xxxxxxx"

List All Access Groups

List all of the Access Groups on the account:

import os
import json
from ibm_platform_services import IamAccessGroupsV2
from ibm_cloud_sdk_core.authenticators import IAMAuthenticator
from ibm_cloud_sdk_core import ApiException

## Pull Account ID from Environment variable
account_id = os.environ.get('ACCOUNT_ID')

## Construct IAM Authentication using IBMCLOUD_API_KEY Environment variable
authenticator = IAMAuthenticator(os.environ.get(''))
accessGroupService = IamAccessGroupsV2(authenticator=authenticator)

def list_access_groups(accessGroupService):
    groupsList = accessGroupService.list_access_groups(

    for group in groupsList:
        print(json.dumps(group, indent=2))
except ApiException as ae:
  print("Method failed")
  print(" - status code: " + str(ae.code))
  print(" - error message: " + ae.message)
  if ("reason" in ae.http_response.json()):
    print(" - reason: " + ae.http_response.json()["reason"])

Get Access Group

You will need to set the Access Group ID in the script. Replace Your-Access-Group-ID-Here with the actual Access Group ID.

import os
import json
from ibm_platform_services import IamAccessGroupsV2
from ibm_cloud_sdk_core.authenticators import IAMAuthenticator
from ibm_cloud_sdk_core import ApiException

## Pull Account ID from Environment variable
account_id = os.environ.get('ACCOUNT_ID')

# Set access group used in the get_access_group function
access_group_id = 'Your-Access-Group-ID-Here'

## Construct IAM Authentication using IBMCLOUD_API_KEY Environment variable
authenticator = IAMAuthenticator(os.environ.get('IBMCLOUD_API_KEY'))
accessGroupService = IamAccessGroupsV2(authenticator=authenticator)
def get_access_group(accessGroupService, access_group_id):
    accessGroup = accessGroupService.get_access_group(

    ag = accessGroup
    print(json.dumps(ag, indent=2))
  get_access_group(accessGroupService, access_group_id=access_group_id)
except ApiException as ae:
  print("Method failed")
  print(" - status code: " + str(ae.code))
  print(" - error message: " + ae.message)
  if ("reason" in ae.http_response.json()):
    print(" - reason: " + ae.http_response.json()["reason"])

Example Output

  "id": "AccessGroupId-xxxxxxx-1471-440b-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx",
  "name": "CDE VPC Infrastructure",
  "description": "Access to VPC related resources in the CDE Resource Group",
  "account_id": "xxxxxxx",
  "created_at": "2020-11-06T14:27:16Z",
  "created_by_id": "IBMid-xxxxxxx",
  "last_modified_at": "2021-07-23T16:54:39Z",
  "last_modified_by_id": "IBMid-xxxxxxx"